Mertule Mariam

Mertule Mariam is an ancient historical place located in Amhara Regional State, in East
Gojjam Zone in Enebese Sarmider Woreda. Mertule Mariam is one of the eighteen
districts of East Gojjam Zone with the center at Debre Markos . Mertule Mariam
monastery is found at about 364 kilometers from the capital Addis Abeba.Its distance
from the regional capital Bahr Dar, is about 180 kilometers .It is also located 190
killometers north east of Debre Markos and also situated 28 kilometers south east of
Gundawoyen,a town with denes forest on the Addis Abeba –Bahr Dar road through
Debre worq.The town of Mertule Mariam , particularly the eastern edge where the
monastery are now located is found at a flat topped hill over 2600 meters above sea level.
This top hill has had an important site in the historical evolution of the town serving as a
place where church and the monastery were constructed.
Topographically, Mertule Mariam is found in the climate condition of Wayna Dega, an
the intermediate zone between Dega and Qolla temperature Zone. In general Enebse sar
mider woreda is bounded by Wollo provience and Abbay river in the east, Enarjienawuga
woreda in the west, Southern Gonder Zone, and Goncha sisso enesa woreda in the north
and the desert of Somma in the South.
Mertule Mariam is approximately located between 10°42‘ and 10°45‘N and 37°51‘E in
Gojjam province of northwest Ethiopia, situated at an altitude of 2500 m above sea level.
and close to the Choke Mountain Geographically, it occurs on the western fringes of the Choke Mountain range, the closest point being Motta, about 40 km away from Mertule
Mariam town. It is generally a mountainous area, with the terrain consisting of cliffs
gorges, undulating slopes, patches of woodland, and lowland plateau. Many small streams
originate in the mountains.